We have box art!

Fresh off the Photoshop press:

The Flight Before Christmas

We have a name for our game, you may have guessed what it is.

The game is now entering playtest, so those lucky XNA developers can try it out and give us feedback and/or insults (we're hoping for the former).

Thanks again and congratulations to Andrew for winning the competition.

Competition time, better than bed time but worse than bath time.

So as you know from avidly following the blog, we're going to be releasing a new game very soon. Since we are really lazy and obviously we love the community, we thought you guys could come up with a name for us.

The Game is a 2D side-scroller where you play as Santa delivering presents via throwing them into chimneys. You press the face buttons (A,X,Y,B) to throw the right present into the right chimney. It can also be played with a guitar controller for maximum coolness.

The talented individual that comes up with the winning name will receive a code to download our previous game Banana Split for free (so make sure we can contact you, e-mail is easiest).
So post your name ideas in the comments.

The Competition is now closed, thanks to everyone who submitted ideas.

The winner is: Andrew, for the name "The Flight Before Christmas"

He'll receive codes for Banana Split and The Flight Before Christmas, as well a mention in the credits.

The runners up are: Zidargh for "December Dash", warlockuk for "Santa and the Riffing Reindeer" and caligari for "Quick St. Nick!".

They'll all receive codes for The Flight Before Christmas, when it's released.

FSG Gets Festive!

We recently took some time off of our schedule working on the bumper cars game, so that we could work on a more festive title.

We challenged ourselves to create a Christmas themed game within a 2 week period.  We've just completed the first week of work and even though the Xbox we were using to develop on has died a horrible death we're still working on it and hoping to get it released in December.

So, more about the game next time, but for now, here's a screenshot!

Banana Split on One Life Left

Banana Split was mentioned on One Life Left #109. We obviously heard this a few weeks ago when this episode was put up, we didn't only just notice because a friend told us... honest.

It's a great podcast that everyone should listen to, a refreshing take on the games podcast, plus it has awesome 8-bit remixes. 

Here's a quote from one of OLL's top 3 reviewers:

"This was a really good game, thanks for sending a code, I don't usually play games"

-Ann Scantlebury

You can listen to the whole thing here.  (Banana Split is 46 minutes in).